Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 12 Feeling Good Feeling Great!

12 days in and I have this amazing feeling of well being. 

I love love love fasting! 

It is so awesome when you have a clarity and a feeling that everything really is going to be okay.  When the fast first began I did have a "mini-meltdown".  But hey, I was having "Baby-Daddy" issues...that is par for the course. 

And with me being struck down for 5 friggin days with the crud that is floating around...Well I guess it is safe to say my 2011 Fasting period started off a little shaky (to say the least).  But through it all I have remained obedient and I have pushed past the feelings that I just gotta have a piece of fried chicken or I will die.  I mean seriously, the devil even almost had me convinced one day that I needed a hot dog!  a hot dog?????

At any rate, I am so proud to say that this week has been an epic success!!!

I have been spending my quiet morning time with God and I am doing my morning reading, I then get up out of the bed, get dressed and head to the gym (5am folks) where my love/hate relationship with the elliptical continues... And the best part of the whole thing is that I have awakened the "Glamour Girl" in me that has been hibernating for the past 2 years! 

I have been showing up to work every morning in a full face of make up and I have even brought my "sexy back" into my wardrobe.

I have experimented with a lot of different products and a lot of different looks over the past 2 years but I am taking it all "Back to Basics"...That's right, I am going back to the things that worked best for me and had me feeling really good about myself.

Anywho, I have rambled on enough today, time for me to continue on my journey to "fit the pieces together"...

Be Well

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