Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sometimes you just have to stop and cry and say thank you!

So here is the story....

Yesterday, I had to go to a class to better myself, and further my professional development.

I got lost; as I normally do....really that is part of my charm, I can't find my way out of my own back yard half of the time; but I digress....

I was driving through a "less desirable" part of town,

then it hit me...

As I was driving my NEW SWEET RIDE, it hit me


My Heavenly Father has really, really blessed me and shown me favor!!!

Here I am, a single mother of an incredible child that knows, loves and fears the Lord already at the tender age of 9.

I am driving a new car that I got.... on my own.

I am heading to a training to better myself in job that I have...I am gainfully employeed...

I pay my own bills(albeit sometimes late, but hey.....)

I live in a nice, safe, neighborhood, complete with friendly neighbors and children playing; and I live there, not on the governments dime, but on my own merit

Now, do not get me wrong, I have my many meltdowns, wondering if the "struggle" is ever going to get a bit easier for a sistah :)

as I was driving in my new car, lost, in a "seedy" part of town, I was overcome with emotion...

I was humbled.

I was so very grateful.

I had to stop

 and cry

and say THANK YOU

Because although my journey to "fit the peices together" can be trying at times, in the grand scheme of things, it's really not bad at all.

Be well (I am)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Be careful what you fast for, you just might get it....


It has been a good 2 weeks at least since my last posting and boy oh boy!!!

So much has taken place that when I sit back and really think about it, I can only attribute it to the specific things that I fasted and prayed for at the beginning of the year.

The main thing that I truly desired was everything, on all levels...

I mean, let's think about this for a minute; I am on a journey to "fit the pieces together"...

How can I do that if I am not really clear on what is going on???

How can I restore myself, and rebuild what has been torn down, if I do not know the real deal???

Regardless of what it is.

Well, I will say this without revealing too much.  It was clarity that I prayed for and it was truly clarity that I received. 

So many times we "say" we want the truth, but I will tell you this, the truth really does hurt.
Especially if you have been holding on to what you thought was the truth, for over a decade....I was knocked off of my feet for about 4 days, but when I came out on the other side....Let's just say, that is when things started moving in fast forward;  and here is the lesson that I learned:

When you ask God to move in your life, and HE thinks you are ready (not you); and He begins to move, the only thing you need to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

....and so it is with me.  I have realized that He is leading me on this journey to "Fit the Pieces Together"

Be Well

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 12 Feeling Good Feeling Great!

12 days in and I have this amazing feeling of well being. 

I love love love fasting! 

It is so awesome when you have a clarity and a feeling that everything really is going to be okay.  When the fast first began I did have a "mini-meltdown".  But hey, I was having "Baby-Daddy" issues...that is par for the course. 

And with me being struck down for 5 friggin days with the crud that is floating around...Well I guess it is safe to say my 2011 Fasting period started off a little shaky (to say the least).  But through it all I have remained obedient and I have pushed past the feelings that I just gotta have a piece of fried chicken or I will die.  I mean seriously, the devil even almost had me convinced one day that I needed a hot dog!  a hot dog?????

At any rate, I am so proud to say that this week has been an epic success!!!

I have been spending my quiet morning time with God and I am doing my morning reading, I then get up out of the bed, get dressed and head to the gym (5am folks) where my love/hate relationship with the elliptical continues... And the best part of the whole thing is that I have awakened the "Glamour Girl" in me that has been hibernating for the past 2 years! 

I have been showing up to work every morning in a full face of make up and I have even brought my "sexy back" into my wardrobe.

I have experimented with a lot of different products and a lot of different looks over the past 2 years but I am taking it all "Back to Basics"...That's right, I am going back to the things that worked best for me and had me feeling really good about myself.

Anywho, I have rambled on enough today, time for me to continue on my journey to "fit the pieces together"...

Be Well

Made it through the what???

Well well well, I fasted for 28 days asking God for clarity, waiting to see what this period of fasting will bring and I can say these things:

I have a feeling of well being that surpasses any that I have had in a long time.
I have mellowed out and I feel a lot more focused on my focus. 
I feel present, I tend to really get into my own head and play things out the way that I wished they were as opposed to how they really are. I think this was a coping mechanism. Well, by facing things as they are (good, bad, or indifferent) I am able to come to a resolution, acknowledge and move on...

Having said that...

Remember last year, after my 40 day fast when I was laid off from my job? After all of the fasting and praying I did for those 40 days; I will admit, the wind was knocked out of my sail and I really did have a slight mini-meltdown. After which I remembered Hebrews13:5-6.  With that I was able to pull myself together and keep it movin....

Well, I am now convinced that after fasting God will hand you an unexpected blow as a test to see if you really are tuned in.  I feel like I am not only "tuned in" but I am in HD!

Well to that end...
I got socked in the stomach with my unexpected "after fast blow'"and I must admit, after a mini-meltdown, and a call to my very best friend on this earth (Shout out to BVV!!!) and a huge shoulder to cry on (Love you Dad!!!) I remembered Psalms 147:3, and while I was in my final savasana in yoga class i meditated on that scripture... With that I am able to pull myself together and....say it with me...

keep it movin :)

All in all my fasting time was awesome and I am really excited to see what is waiting ahead for me in 2011.  So far so good.... I can do this....I will not give up......I can and I will continue on my journey to "fit the pieces together"...

Oh and one more thing.....from now on you may refer to me as "Auntie Danielle"( I love you my beautiful niece!!!!)

Be Well