Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Same but different...

As the new year approached I promised myself I would not  purchase a new journal and begin entries that I will not be able to complete for whatever reason.

So here I am on my blog...again...do the same thing I do every year around this time,  but seeing things a little differently....

Having said that  I do intend for 2016 to be a year of me going back to the things that made me feel comfortable with who I am and the way that I am...the past few years have been full of "interesting" twists and turns and trying to navigate those years while remaining authentically me proved to be somewhat difficult..yet..here I am:)

The truth is that I am not any less of who I " used to be"..the truth is that  Life is all up in my way, and it is a daily challenge attempting to stay ahead of it all....

I am the same person I have always been...the same but different..and that's ok!

By Gods Grace I am still here...still in the ring...still with a lot of fight in me..still on my journey to Fit the Pieces Together...stay tuned...and be well.

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