Monday, January 10, 2011

Chicken Breath (to get a chuckle from litte sis)

Day 8

I am alive!!!

Yayyy I made it through whatever the hell it was that had me literally on lock down for 5 friggin days!!!! 

I have come out on the other side a few pounds lighter (yippeee) cause I have absolutely no taste and little to no appetite... hey every cloud has a silver lining.  Due to me having the flu, remaining obedient in the food portion of the fast was really not an issue...

I will say that I have been trying to figure out what it was that I was really seeking during this fasting period (outside of my closer relationship with the Lord). 

I think this is going to be my year for clarity, I really do.

Last year was all about relationships and forgiveness and closing chapters in order to open other chapters.  And I think that by forgiving and letting go, I may be positioning myself to be in some long standing relationships maybe romantic, maybe platonic, but all in Gods time.

I take heart, and do not give up; because I know that HE is indeed with me on my journey to "fit the pieces together" and as each piece falls into place HE will help me navigate my way through to the other side.

Be Well  (I finally am)

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