Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Day  one went well, despite the massive drama Isis and I had trying to blow up my stupid exercise ball,  all because Sampson, my beloved chi weenie hid the piece that went to the pump, (he is so friggin funny) I think he knew exactly what he was doing; and after Isis practically passed out trying to blow the ball up like a balloon, she finds the piece in his doggy pen...from now on he will be the regular victim of illegal search and seizures, since he is a clepto...

Any who I got my workout on to my new/used work out DVD (half price books rocks so hard), ate a fast friendly meal of cabbage and tomatoes in sauteed in olive oil...Erthang was all good...then it started, the night time cravings, so I did engage in some Sour cream and onion potato chips (prayed about it..I'm good),

But today I feel like crap

I did get up to do my 5am workout with no problem, but I do have an itch in my throat and right now my energy is non existent. I continue to repeat one of my affirmations "I have the energy I need to complete all of my tasks", that helps...

I will do my Budokon workout tonight but the goal is definitely to be in bed NLT 10.

yeah yeah yeah...journey to "fit the pieces together" and all that crap

blah blah blah

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